Why Horowhenua

With a winning combination of location, flat land, talent and fast growing population and new roading infrastructure but with a rich and vibrant history - Horowhenua is fast becoming the location of choice for businesses looking to grow or relocate.

​A proven location for business success - Horowhenua is a solid investment.

  • 760,000 people live within 1 hour of Horowhenua

  • Growth in population is tracking above national growth - 10th fastest growing District and forecast to continue to 2040

  • Horowhenua is close connectivity to land, sea and air links

  • There is a strong local labour market and close relationships with training providers

  • Solid IT infrastructure, & local lines company investing in increasing electrical capacity 

  • There is a well-established business community working locally, nationally and internationally

  • Transport Infrastructure has been completed with the Kāpiti Expressway, Transmission Gully and Peka Peka to Ōtaki Expressway, and with construction of the four-lane Ōtaki to North of Levin Expressway due to start in 2025.

    ‘One of the deciding factors for our relocation was the location. Close to one of the major motorways when it comes through. This lets us service the upper north island through to Wellington.

    Dave Rooker, Thermosash